December 17, 2008

My Amazing Sewing Skills

Here are Cloie and Carter modeling the cute robes and pj bottoms that I made for them. Check out my amazing sewing skills!! Ok don't check too closely because I am just a beginner and I might have made a few mistakes. But I am having a lot of fun with my new hobby. What to sew next?...
What a good supermodel. Can you tell she watches America's Next Top Model with her mom.

And Carter is such a boy. He just discovered binki's thanks to daddy.

Look at the cute little pocket on her bumb. I am so proud of myself.

what silly kids... what cute robes!!

Playing in the Snow

Here are me and the kids on a very cold december day playing in the snow. This was Carter's first real experience in the snow and I think he had a pretty good time. He had a hard time with his gloves and walking in all his snow gear but I think he liked it.
Here is mommy making a snowangel.

They are the best of friends, it is so cute.

December 13, 2008

Cloie's Chritmas Recital

Here is the video and some pics from Cloie's Christmas recital. We are so proud of her for actually going on stage without me and for doing such a good job. (I think she was one of the best in her group). She had so much fun she wanted to do it again and again. Which is better than her last recital where she walked off stage half way through the dance. She is turning out to be such a big girl and a pretty good dancer.

December 5, 2008

Meeting Santa

We took the kids to the mall to meet Santa and we weren't too sure how they would react to him. Last year Cloie was very shy and Carter was just scared, he had no clue what was going on. This year was good. Cloie went right up and actually told him what she wanted-a big Cinderella. Carter kept trying to get up to Santa while waiting for his turn, and when it came he walked right up and sat on his lap with no hesitation. Of course he didn't say anything to Santa but what do you expect. After we saw Santa we decided to look around the mall but Cloie was hungry and Carter was tired. And when Cloie threw a fit at the build-a-bear store we thought it best to just go home.

Here we are standing in line waiting for Santa.