January 3, 2009

More Fun at Great Grandma Wilding's

While we were in Idaho we decided to take the kids bowling. They both did pretty good. Cloie even bowled a strike. ( of course she used the "slider thing" and bumbers, but it was still impressive.) Originally we weren't going to have Carter bowl but he was insistant on it. We had to keep an eye on him or he would grab any ball he could and try to throw it where ever he was. After a little bit they got bored so we let them play some of the little arcade games that they had there. Jason so set on winning a bunch of tickets to get them a prize. He got hooked on a wheel of fortune game where you had to hit the button when the "spinner light" came on so the wheel would spin. He played at least 8 times and ended up with about 200 tickets. The kids weren't even interested in any prizes so we picked one out for them.

It was just sooo much fun at Grandma's, we'll definitley be back soon. The kids absolutely love Great Grandma Wilding!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Cute pics! It sounds like you had fun at Grandmas. When you live a million miles away, 4 hours doesn't seem so far. It makes us wish we wouldve gone more often when we were closer.