January 3, 2009

Christmas Morning

So, Christmas morning we were going to have Jason's family over for breakfast at 8:30 and I had planned to have a LOT of food. When morning came we had no power. I called the power company and it wasn't going to be on until about 11 am. We had to call everyone and cancel breakfast.

The kids presents were all down in the basement where it was dark and cold. So we sat in front of the fireplace with our little emergency tv eating cold cereal until we decided just bring all their Christmas upstairs. So, Jason took the kids into our bed where they cuddled under the covers while I played Santa for the second time in 24hrs and brought everything upstairs. Finally when the power came on we made the kids cinnamon rolls for breakfast, we had already snacked on cereal and Christmas candy so we didn't really need a big breakfast. All in all it was a good Christmas and it was fun just cuddling together by the fire. Aren't they cute in their matching Christmas jammies!

Here is Carter with some of his new toys. (a wooden puzzle and his dinosaur).

And here is Cloie bouncing around on her new ball.

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