December 17, 2008

My Amazing Sewing Skills

Here are Cloie and Carter modeling the cute robes and pj bottoms that I made for them. Check out my amazing sewing skills!! Ok don't check too closely because I am just a beginner and I might have made a few mistakes. But I am having a lot of fun with my new hobby. What to sew next?...
What a good supermodel. Can you tell she watches America's Next Top Model with her mom.

And Carter is such a boy. He just discovered binki's thanks to daddy.

Look at the cute little pocket on her bumb. I am so proud of myself.

what silly kids... what cute robes!!


Arnold Family said...

Cute robes! I never finished the pajama bottoms that we made forever ago with your mom. Maybe someday I'll take up sewing.

Becky said...

Great job Rissa! I would love to learn to sew, but maybe i should just keep my day job..he he. You guys have so much snow! I don't really miss it. All we have here is a little frost on the grass and lots of rain, but man is it cold!